
How Hybrid Work Changed the Hiring Process

The most obvious perk of remote and hybrid work is that you can complete your tasks from anywhere you like. Keep the long-term in mind and outline the value that comes with in-person and virtual meetings when engaging with the workforce of the future. The goal for recruiters however, is to not merely execute hybrid recruitment for the sake of doing it. Not to mention that your hiring decisions are then based on solid, unbiased data as opposed to just a resume or face-to-face interaction. Even considering your ratio of strong candidates versus the candidates that will not be progressing will help you diagnose where you are slowing down.

Therefore, companies need to get creative with remote employee benefits, which might include a reward program, a technology allowance, learning and development, or generous vacation/annual leave. A heavy emphasis is placed on whether working remotely will be a good fit for a candidate. People tend to either love or hate working remotely and it is important that we make sure each candidate understands the benefits and challenges of our remote work environment before joining the company. We strongly filter for candidates who are extremely self-motivated, thrive when working individually and are clear communicators via digital channels (Slack, Email, Phone, etc). Hiring remote workers can be very different than on-site since the interviews happen off-site. We are using technology to overcome the shortage of not being able to meet in person.

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Evaluating a candidate’s alignment to our values and company culture is just as important as sizing up their hard skills. Candidates have been subjected to innumerable brain teasers and whiteboarding exercises. After relying on variations on this style of skill evaluation for more than a decade, Laszlo Bock, the former Google senior V.P. Of People Operations, shared Google had abandoned the approach stating brainteasers are “a complete waste of time,” and “don’t predict anything” when it comes to job success.

In some countries, IP rights automatically are conferred to the employer, but others are specifically held by the employee who creates the intellectual property. In those countries where employees can assign their rights to their employer, the employer may have to provide additional consideration to acquire the IP rights. If you’ve got a healthy inbound flow of candidates, you’ll have more applications than even your globally-distributed remote company has calendar time.

Reviewing candidates: How to avoid remote hiring bias

Hope Weatherford, Head of Talent Attraction at InVision, shares some inside tips on how they run interviews at the final stages. As she explains, they’ve chosen to run brief interview sessions not only with team members the candidate will work directly with, but also cross-functional teams, from various levels. As noted above, these interview questions can be combined with elements of the skills test measuring remote working skills such as communication and collaboration. The test project is a way for us to get to know each other by working together.

  • Your remote job advertisement should be concise but include enough information to give the candidate a good idea of the company and what’s expected of them.
  • Candidates who seem to be aligned in skills/experience and values move into our interview process.

It could be providing the space to recognise great work, or regularly asking for feedback. Ask yourself whether you’re continuing to create an environment that allows employees to stay connected to the business and each other. Interviewing for remote positions with video technology offers greater flexibility for both employers and candidates. Video interviews are superior to phone interviews because they allow candidates to express themselves with more authenticity; which gives employers a better insight into a candidate’s personality and communication skills. Devote a significant portion of your interview process to telling the candidate about the company culture.

How Will Your Interview Happen?

Watch out for the Remote Hiring Guide Series that we’ll be talking about over the course of the month, starting with the hiring process and timeline. It’s easy to get caught up in wanting results and being excited to get that new hire right away that we forget about managing expectations. So let’s start with learning how the process works and what you should be looking out for. Once you’ve created an effective job advertisement, the next task is promoting it to as many qualified candidates as possible. The ideal way to do this is through job boards that are designed for remote positions.

What are the 3 main stages of an interview?

  • STAGE 1: Introduction. Lasting approximately two to three minutes, you are meeting the interviewers and being escorted to the interview room.
  • STAGE 2: Q&A.
  • STAGE 3: Your Questions.
  • STAGE 4: Closing.

They may be able to see some certain qualities of the candidates that you’ve missed. In the worst-case scenario, you might already have the perfect candidates for the roles in your talent pool, but human error kicks in just in time to make you forget about these individuals. Without a proper tool that helps manage your database, there is a high chance that profiles of the right candidates may be lost or damaged. Without clear and timely communication, one of your team members might, for instance, end up repeating the work that you’ve already done.

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