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The New Relationship Timeline Are You On Schedule?

The answer to how to get to the third base can really be as simple as that. Instead of ruining the moments, it’s always better to know whether you’re on the same page. Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom.

However, if you do answer that, yes, you are very happy with a person, then this is a great reason to cement things between the two of you and commit to a relationship with each other. Without this knowledge, you’ll always be stuck selling a relationship to men who don’t want you. It felt like my dreams of a loving long-term relationship would never come to fruition. You won’t be able to get into an ‘official’ relationship unless this guy also wants to. However, before we do that, it’s important that you read the next few sentences carefully. Dating needs no decision making and has no long term impact, while a relationship requires a long term decision making and intent.

Dating Ideas

The result of dating may at any time lead to friendship, any level of intimate relationship, marriage, or no relation. An important aspect to consider when looking at dating vs relationships is the declaration of love. Dating is an exploration state between two people, and therefore there is no declaration of love usually involved at this stage. The couple may convey their interest in each other by letting the other person know that they like them.

This base is a tough one as all you can do is to only think about pleasing your partner. Every time you think about him or her, your blood pressure slightly raises, and your heart is starting to race faster and faster. Yep, this is it boys and gals, you are officially tastebuds in the third base, which is petting. As a grown and mature person, you can count relationship bases differently. That might sound dramatic, but there’s something to it — guys often belittle and mock other guys for not having “gone far enough” sexually.

You can stop at any time

Third sexual base is when you and your partner are no longer paying attention to the movie that’s playing on the TV. The petting is heavy, and there’s stimulation happening below the waist. People have been saying they’ve hit first, second, and third base for what seems like forever, but when did the baseball metaphor actually become common slang? According to Kohlhaas, the baseball metaphor dates back to the 1940s.

Make sure you’re ready to have sex before going all the way. If you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable or rushed, feel free to say no and back off a bit. First base is kissing and making out, and second base is touching above the waist. Has anyone ever asked you which “base” you got to with a date? While you probably assumed they weren’t talking about baseball, figuring out exactly what each base means might not be the most intuitive process in the world. Fortunately, you’re not alone—plenty of people want to know what the bases are in dating!

There is a lot more in baseball, hence why we suggest that you keep reading. If you’re giving each other head, a.k.a. oral sex, you’ve reached the third base of the relationship. When we consider the third base meaning in a relationship, it’s usually right before the couple moves on to the final base, which brings us to our next point. Ultimately, what does second base mean in dating depends on what two people agree upon.

Fundamentally, being in a relationship is a serious decision. If you like an individual and want to take your relationship with them further, then you need to do so in a way that makes you feel comfortable. So ask yourself, are you happy with the individual that you have been seeing for a while now? If the answer is no, then it may not be the best time or they may not be the best person to start a relationship with. Instead of seeing you as just a sexual plaything, he’ll view you as a potential life partner.


So when you’re talking to your partner, it’s a lot easier to describe your level of sexual experience by using bases without going into awkward details. In the world of dating, there are several dating, sexual and relationship bases. If you’re not clued up, it’s time to know them so you know where you’re at. Kissing is one of the most important steps in a new relationship, and it’s also what people call first base. As the starting point of physical intimacy, the first kiss is an important milestone—as they say, it all starts with a kiss. Now that you know where the term ‘base’ stems from, it’s time to understand the particulars of each base.

For some, a kiss without tongue might not even count as first base, while for others, oral sex might be included as part of home base rather than third. Relationship bases, dating bases, and sexual bases are all the same, because they ultimately focus on just how “deep you’re in” sexually with someone. It was coined in America to use baseball metaphors in order to describe the levels of intimacy relationships go through.

Other baseball metaphors

The ‘base’ is a baseball metaphor, and there are numerous references to it in popular culture. Due to the popularity of American films and songs, the term gained popularity even outside the US. Baseball itself does not have anything specifically to do with dating. However, the baseball terms as euphemisms to describe sexual activity have been used for almost as long as the sport has been around. The conservative culture of 1940s America meant that people were often more comfortable using sports terms than biological ones.