
How to Conduct Effective Online Board Meetings

Online board meetings can be an excellent alternative for non-profit boards that are not able or unwilling to meet in person due to geographic restrictions, travel costs or busy schedules. They can be challenging to manage in a efficient manner and ensure that everyone is engaged and included. Fortunately, following some basic best practices will make these virtual meetings more efficient and efficient.

Before the conference call, make sure to communicate clearly all materials for the meeting to board members to allow them to take them in and submit their questions. This will allow the meeting to move faster, be more focused and provide better insights. Additionally, using a presentation tool like Mentimeter, you will be able to gather important insights from your participants by way of engaging visuals. The material will appear in the minutes of the meeting, providing a permanent document that can be referred to years later.

Encourage attendees to use their camera features so they can be able to see each other. This will keep everyone entertained. Set the ground rules to ensure everyone is treated equally. For example the chair could request an elevated hand to indicate when someone is speaking. Also, they could ask people to use their mutes even when they’re not speaking. It is also an excellent idea to limit meetings to 90 minutes, and to avoid scheduling meetings around meal times in order to prevent participants from eating in front of cameras.

Create specific discussion topics and allocate time for each item. This will provide directors with a sense of urgency in addressing issues on the agenda, as well as boost productivity. In addition by focusing on specific subject areas will reduce distractions that can happen during in-person meetings like chatting with other directors or checking emails.

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