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The veteran/service member was assigned “Negative Thoughts Trigger Negative Feelings” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed. The veteran/service member was provided with corrective feedback toward improvement of his/her use of self-talk techniques. The veteran/service member was assigned “Making Use of the Thought-Stopping Technique” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed.

The veteran/service member has not been involved in group therapy for social anxiety concerns and was redirected to do so. The veteran/service member was provided with examples of cognitive biases that support social anxiety symptoms. The veteran/service member was reinforced as he/she identified his/her own cognitive biases. The veteran/service member was unable to identify any cognitive biases that support his/her anxiety symptoms and was provided with tentative examples in this area. The veteran/service member was assigned information about social anxiety, avoidance, and treatment from Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia . The veteran/service member was assigned information about social anxiety, avoidance, and treatment from Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness .

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Urinalysis Failure The service member reports failing a random urinalysis conducted in his/her unit. The service member is at risk of discipline due to his/her failure on urinalysis screens. The service member has regularly passed urinalysis screens, indicating that he/she is not engaging in any performance-enhancing substance abuse. Reinforce Completion of Job Responsibilities The service member was noted to have successfully completed his/her job responsibilities.

The veteran/service member stated that his/her suicidal urges have diminished and he/she has no interest in implementing any specific suicide plan. The veteran/service member reported no suicidal urges. Assess for Extramarital Problems ∗ Each partner’s emotional health was assessed. Each partner’s physical health was assessed.

The veteran/service member has followed through on developing and implementing an annual memorial/ritual to commemorate the memory of the lost comrade; this experience was processed. The veteran/service member has not followed through on developing an annual memorial service honoring the fallen comrade and was redirected to do so. Emphasize the Joy of Life A. The veteran/service member was instructed to make a list of why it is good to be alive. The veteran/service member has completed a list of why he/she sees it as good to be alive, and this was processed within the session. The veteran/service member has not completed a list of why it is good to be alive, and his/her reluctance was processed. The veteran/service member was provided with specific examples of his/her strengths from the past that have helped him/her through difficult times.

As treatment has progressed, the service member has discontinued his/her pattern of selfdestructive and dangerous behavior. B. C. B. The veteran’s/service member’s social anxiety has caused him/her to avoid social situations within work, family, and neighborhood settings. The veteran/service member has shown some willingness to interact socially as he/she has overcome some of the social anxiety that was formerly present. The veteran/service member indicated that he/she feels free now to interact socially and does not go out of his/her way to avoid such situations. The veteran/service member has been reluctant to involve himself/herself in social situations because he/she is fearful of his/her social anxiety becoming apparent to others.

The review of the extended family history indicated multiple divorces and little expectation for marriage to last, and this was reflected to the partners. C. Contingencies for financial hardships were identified as an important aspect of the budget process. The service member was reinforced for his/her comprehensive budget plan that was developed with his/her significant other. Use and Maintain Budget A. The service member was encouraged to adhere to the budget by making it part of his/her daily routine prior to deployment. The service member was assigned to review his/her budget with his/her significant other weekly for the first few months of deployment. The service member was reinforced for adhering to the budget.

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Normalize Spiritual and Moral Conflicts A. The veteran/service member was provided with empathetic listening as he/she verbalized his/her current spiritual and moral conflicts. C. The veteran/service member was directed to identify how his/her social functioning has been affected by tobacco use (e.g., boyfriend/girlfriend left due to tobacco use). It was reflected to the veteran/service member that he/she has minimized the negative impact of nicotine dependence on his/her life.

The veteran/service member was administered biofeedback training to teach him/her more in-depth relaxation skills. The biofeedback training sessions have been helpful in training the veteran/service member to relax more deeply, which has helped to decrease facial and neck muscle tension. Review Information to Share A. The service member was assisted in sifting through the type and amount of information that would be helpful to share with family and friends. The service member was asked to focus on maintaining communication with family and friends as a way of keeping connected with them, but with limits to the information provided.

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The veteran/service member was administered The Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia . The veteran/service member was provided with feedback regarding the results of the assessment of his/her level of agoraphobia symptoms. The veteran/service member declined to participate in the objective assessment of his/her level of agoraphobia symptoms, and this resistance was processed.

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The veteran’s/service member’s memorial to the fallen comrade was reviewed, and important memories were identified and reinforced. The veteran/service member has not worked on creating a memorial and was encouraged to give effort to this assignment soon. Identify Explore Intentions Regarding Military A. The service member’s intentions regarding remaining in the military were exploited.

The service member reported complaints of his/her thoughts being dominated by missing family, friends, and/or previous home environment. The service member reported a sense of compulsion to think about his/her missed family, friends, and home environment. As treatment has progressed, the service member reports a decreased sense of being overwhelmed by his/her thoughts of missing family, friends, and home environment. The service member reports that he/she has adjusted to military life and his/her thoughts are no longer dominated by missing family, friends, or his/her previous home environment.