Sober living

Foods to Eat During Addiction Recovery

The right foods can accelerate your recovery, particularly during detox and early rehab. A balanced diet of healthy, natural foods is important as you enter recovery. Avoiding processed foods and excess sugars can help stabilize your blood sugar and improve your overall health. Processed foods also put a burden on the liver, which may already be harmed from chronic drinking. In addition, since you are at risk of having nutrient deficiencies because of drinking, it is crucial to build up those stores to stay healthy.

alcohol recovery diet

One of the main reasons why we promote a drug and alcohol recovery diet for our clients is due to the impact of substances like alcohol on the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. According to the National Institutes of Health, alcohol can stop humans from breaking down the nutrients in food into molecules that the body can use. The relationship between substance abuse and nutrition is well-researched, and we modeled our nutrition plan for our clients based on a careful review of the facts. That’s why we pride ourselves in having a private chef on staff who prepares gourmet food for drug addiction recovery.

Effects of Alcohol Addiction on Diet

If you’re on a mission to beat alcohol forever, be sure to resolve your all of your Missing Links in the Hierarchy of Alcohol Recovery. Type any fruit or vegetable into Google followed by “superfood,” and you’ll find an article extolling its benefits. Instead of obsessing about which produce is the trendy superfood of the week, I eat whole foods and make a smoothie every morning. I’ve had clients who intellectually grasp the need for good fats. But at the grocery store, they instinctively opt for “low fat yogurts” (often filled with sugar) and cut off the most marbled parts of their ribeyes.

They encourage healthy weight management, boost energy levels, prevent cardiovascular disease, improve brain function, promote better sleep, and reduce the risk of substance abuse relapse. Exercise also releases endorphins that help boost mood, making it easier to manage stress levels. Additionally, by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, individuals in long-term recovery can better control their cravings for drugs or alcohol. A substance use disorder can cause some people to lose their appetite completely.

Alcohol Recovery Diet Tips And Food Substitutions

In addition, we aim to educate our clients about ideal nutrition so that they can continue eating and living well when they leave. This can lead to neuropathy, fatigue, anemia and multiple other medical problems. [2] Many people with advanced alcoholism are severely deficient in B vitamins and may require oral supplementation while they recover. Potatoes are nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates that are nutritious and high in potassium, iron, manganese, and copper. They contain vitamin B and C and a little of almost every nutrient a person needs. Full of fiber, potatoes help fight drug and alcohol cravings and keep blood glucose levels steady.

While the food that is abundant in protein or vitamins has numerous benefits, sugary products contain very little to no nutrition. You may crave unhealthy foods high in sugar during your detox process. But eating sugary products in place of healthier food options can result in vitamin deficiencies, which could cause additional stress on the body. Drinking plenty of water and eating nutrient-rich foods, such as whole grains and leafy greens, can be incredibly beneficial during the detox process. These foods can help you heal any vitamin or nutrient deficiencies you may have developed due to past drug or alcohol use. Along with a strong relapse prevention strategy, maintaining a good nutrition plan can play a part in a self-care routine that helps improve self-esteem and reduce the risk of relapse.

Mental Health Treatment Programs

While it may seem like a daunting task to incorporate such activities into an already busy lifestyle, the benefits are worth the effort. For young adults living in a structured sober living alcohol recovery diet facility, the benefits of diet and exercise can be especially beneficial. For this reason, adding more fish and poultry to your diet may enhance your mood, mental clarity, and well-being.

You need to understand that the dietary needs of someone recovering from an addiction are different from those of someone who is eating healthy. Whole grain pastas, whole grains, and rice are all good options to help your digestive system. Science shows that sugar, caffeine and white flour trigger drug and alcohol cravings — because they affect the same parts of the brain that drugs and alcohol do.

Reasons Community Service Is Essential To Recovery

As you’ve likely heard, heavy alcohol consumption can be damaging to your brain. And since your brain needs certain fatty acids to function optimally, eating enough good fats is key in a healthy diet for alcoholics. There is a sense of responsibility that comes with preparing your own food.

Further, caffeine can cause sleep disturbances and anxiety, which may already be occurring in someone trying to detox or heal from substance use. Not only are these types of foods rich in nutrients and easy for the body to digest, but they can also be hydrating. This is important because hydration helps get drug metabolites out of the body during early recovery and can ease detox symptoms like feeling sick or lightheaded.

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