
What To Know About Dating Someone With Depression

(And if you are, stop dating them immediately because that’s creepy and unethical.) They cannot be well for you. It’s unfair to pressure someone to live up to your idea of how they should be, and they may end up feeling like they failed you. Instead, just let them know that you’d like them to feel better because you love them — not because they have to be well in order to be loved. Secondly, every person you meet with depression will be at a different point in their recovery. Some may have just been diagnosed; others will have been living with the condition for years. As such, every experience of dating someone with depression will be different.

Fear and worry

Your partner will appreciate the initiative you’re taking to understand their individual needs. Although conflicts are an integral part of any healthy relationship, the important thing is to navigate them properly. But when your partner isn’t in the best mental state, this won’t always happen. In fact, when dating someone with anxiety, schizophrenia and other mental disorders, things tend to get out of hand a lot easier in this situation. Thus, even a regular petty squabble can degenerate into something far more serious. Depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness.

More than 80% of people who seek treatment get relief from symptoms, according to Mental Health America. If you’re depressed, dating can magnify some of your challenges, such as fatigue, irritability, low self-esteem, and reduced libido. Tammy Worth is a freelance healthcare reporter with over 20 years of experience.

When These Things Happen, Don’t Assume It Is Your Fault

It is a good idea for him to see a mental health professional or therapist if he isn’t already, but committing to therapy yourself is much easier than asking him to do it. Working with a mental health professional helps mitigate the stress of being in a relationship with a man who deals with depression. It will allow you to better understand what he is going through and lead by example if he is resistant to therapy. Many make the mistake of taking on their partner’s illness and driving themselves to the edge as a result. Don’t spend your time trying to fix your spouse’s mental health.

Be an Open Minded Listener

Dating someone with anxiety issues or an anxiety disorder can be challenging. Sometimes it can feel like the anxiety is a third person in the relationship, someone who wriggles in between you and your partner. Even if your partner’s depression or anxiety never subsides fully, there is the possibility for every sufferer to minimize and maintain their mental health by finding their unique solution. Let them know that even if there will be down days ahead, you hope there will be fewer of them.

It will be helpful to avoid shouting and what triggers your partner’s anxious state. It helps if you could sit down and talk about supporting them the next time they get panic attacks. You need to be on the same page to make this relationship work. Even though your profession may be a counselor or therapist, you can’t be your partner’s mental health counselor.

Anxiety manifests in different ways for different people. Not everyone who has anxiety comes across as a “nervous” person. Some people who experience anxiety may even appear calm on the outside but experience their symptoms more internally. First, it can be helpful to know that anxiety is quite common, and almost all of us will experience an anxiety disorder at one point or another in our lives.

When she is feeling less anxious, you have to be able to communicate with her and tell her how she spoke to you and how it made you feel. You have to let her know what is ok and what is not ok for you. If she needs space and time, let her know that she should take it instead of deliberately hurting you. Let her know that you are there to support her, but not to be disrespected. Once she knows your boundaries, then she can choose the option to stay in the relationship or not, as can you.

At the same time, your counselor can help you understand your feelings and how you can take care of yourself. As much as you’re trying to take care of your loved one, prioritize self-care as well. If you find yourself dating someone who has anxiety, it’s understandable that you might have some concerns. Watching someone experience anxiety can be upsetting, and can even make you anxious or uneasy, whether or not you are prone to anxiety yourself.

Additionally, anxiety disorders are more likely to affect women than men. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that in the past year, 19% of adults experienced an anxiety disorder and that 31% of adults will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Newer relationships, or relationships where one partner is still trying to impress the other or mask what they feel are flaws, can mean that spotting symptoms of depression can take a keen eye. Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy.