
The Responsibilities of a Board Member

No matter the age or structure each board has set primary obligations. These include ensuring the assets of the nonprofit are used with care as well as protecting shareholders’ interests, and demonstrating commitment to governance guidelines even when they’re not in a person’s best interests.

Attendance at Meetings and Participation

It’s a given that board members should be able for meetings, whether in person or on the web. This means that they must read the agenda prior to meeting, and actively engaging in discussions and taking decisions. It is also important that board members participate in committee activities to assist them in understanding and engage with the work of the organization.

Financial Management

This includes preparing and reviewing the budget, as well as managing reserve funds, as well as ensuring that assessments are collected. To guide decisions and manage risks the board needs to have a good understanding of the finances of the community.

Policy Compliance / Governing documents

This is among the most important responsibilities that requires an understanding of the community’s constitution as well as a thorough knowledge of all state, federal, and local laws. This will ensure that the community is continuously in compliance, and the board is able to make the right decisions in the event of an emergency. It also means that you have to be able to address residents’ concerns and questions, and enforce the rules when necessary.

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